Discipline and Patience Kinda Suck, but They Bake Good Bread

Discipline sucks. But if we want to get anywhere, we need it. If we have a goal in mind, we have to do it. We need to keep on. We need to pursue. We need to persevere. It’s sorta like broccoli. It kinda tastes gross, but if we want to get healthy, it’s best to have it. I’m trying a new discipline, so I can speak from firsthand experience.

So, what’s this discipline to which I refer? Why, meditation of course! That’s right. I’m trying to make a little period of mediation part of my day, every day. Has it been easy? No. Has it been fun? Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it fun. Has it been helpful? Absolutely. Exactly how helpful remains to be seen. After a few weeks, I still seem to be the same person I was before.

But maybe that’s the point!

See, any time we take on something new, we have to have patience. Patience is that twin kind of suckiness that pairs so nicely with discipline. Patience and discipline work hand in hand. If you follow a complex recipe to bake a delicious bread (discipline), then you have to wait for it to rise and bake (patience). See? If you don’t have the discipline, the ingredients won’t mix right. If you don’t have the patience, then you’ll end up with half-baked goop.

In short, I’m trying to take the wisdom gained from The Nobody Bible, and sit with it. History has provided the recipes. Now, I need to follow them in a more disciplined way and be patient. That, my friends, is how to go from eating stale bread once in while to having a fresh loaf every day.